Miten ostaa Viserrys Impressiot

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Miksi ostaa Twitter-vaikutelmat?

Manipuloi algoritmia näyttääksesi sisältösi useammille ihmisille – näyttökerrat lisäävät kattavuutta

Lisääntynyt löydettävyys parantaa sitoutumista ja lisää sosiaalista näyttöä

Saa ihmiset puhumaan brändistäsi, mikä parantaa bränditietoisuutta

Mahdollisuus jakaa näyttökertapaketti valitsemiesi twiittien kesken

Yleisiä kysymyksiä

What are impressions on Twitter?

On Twitter, impressions are a measure of how often people see your tweets.

It includes both the number of times it appears in a user’s own timeline and when it shows up in searches.

How do I get started?

To get started with buying Twitter Impressions, all you need to do is to enter your Twitter username and then select one of the offers that we have.

During your order, you will be able to choose the tweets that you wish to increase the impressions for.

Your impressions package will be distributed evenly between all selected tweets.

Can I select multiple tweets?

Yes, you can select as many tweets as you like, as long as each tweet receives no less than 500 impressions. If you wish to select a lot of tweets, you will simply need to choose a larger package.

If you were to get Impressions for 10 tweets, the lowest package you have to pick is 5,000 impressions.

How long does the delivery take?

When you place an order for Twitter Impressions, you'll start receiving them within 12 hours of the order confirmation.

The order will be fully completed within 1-3 days, depending on the amount of impressions per tweet that we have to deliver for you.

How to see impressions on Twitter?

You can check out the number of impressions that you received on Twitter right away. All you need to do is go to your profile and click on the "Tweets" tab. Then, scroll down until you find the impression count. It's usually located at the bottom of the page.

There’s a list of all your tweets and an option to view individual tweet metrics. You can also see a month-over-month summary of impressions for your own account.

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