Helppo tapa pidentää katseluaikaasi ja saavuttaa 4 000 tuntia
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Katseluaika on yksi YouTuben tärkeimmistä sijoitustekijöistä. Kirjoita vain videosi URL-osoite ja aloita katselutunnit jo tänään!
Se on helppoa kolmessa yksinkertaisessa vaiheessa:
Tärkeää: Videon on oltava vähintään 30 minuuttia pitkä, jotta tämä palvelu toimii. Jos käytät lyhyempää videota, saat vähemmän katseluaikaa – siinä tapauksessa hyvitystä ei myönnetä.
Säästä enemmän kolmella eri alennuskoodilla vain tänään!
Helppo tapa pidentää katseluaikaasi ja saavuttaa 4 000 tuntia
Voi johtaa parempaan bränditietoisuuteen ja kaupallistamismahdollisuuksiin
Auttaa sinua täyttämään Youtube-kumppaniohjelman vaatimukset helposti ja nopeasti
Auttaa lisäämään uusia tai vaikeuksissa olevia kanavia
How does Youtube Watch Time Hours service work?
When you buy Youtube Watch Hours service you will receive long-duration views to your video, which in turn will increase the watch hours on your channel.
To order this service you simply need to provide a link of your Youtube video, which is 30 minutes or longer.
Important: You video must be at least 30 minutes long for this service to work as described.
If the video provided is shorter, you will still receive the watch time, but less than expected. No refund will be issued in case you provide video which is shorter than 30 minutes.
What is Youtube Watch Hours?
Youtube watch time hours is a metric calculated by Youtube.
It works by tracking the duration every time someone watches your video and adding it up together for all the views on your channel.
For example if your video was watched by 100 people, your video has received 100 views. If each of the people watched the video for 1 minute it means that you have 100 minutes or 1 hour and 40 minutes of watch time.
When you buy this service we will provide you wish high watching time views which will quickly increase the watch time on your channel.
Which video should I use for my order?
The video you provide must be 30 minutes or longer for this service to work as described.
You can provide any video from your channel, but make sure that it is 30 minutes or longer.
How long does the delivery take?
The delivery duration will depend on the amount of watch hours package selected. The delivery starts within 12 hours and the delivery speed is around 1,000 watch hours per day.
For example, to deliver 4,000 watch hours it will take around 5 days.
If you want to get the watch hours even quicker you can place multiple orders by using a different 30-minute video for each order.
If you use 4 different videos and purchase 1,000 watch hours for each it, it will only take 1-2 days to complete the delivery of 4,000 watch hours in total.
Can I get Youtube monetization enabled when I buy this?
To get the Youtube monetization enabled for your channel you must become a member of Youtube Partner Program.
To join the Youtube Partner Program you must have at least 4,000 watch hours in the last 12 months and over 1,000 subscribers on your channel.
You can get the4,000 watch hours on Youtube by using this service.
You can also buy Youtube subscribers from BuySocialMediaMarketing to reach the 1,000 required by Youtube.
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