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Tee videoistasi viruksia todellisilla YouTube-osuuksilla. Kirjoita vain videosi URL-osoite ja aloita jakojen vastaanottaminen muutamassa minuutissa!
Se on helppoa kolmessa yksinkertaisessa vaiheessa:
Säästä enemmän kolmella eri alennuskoodilla vain tänään!
Enemmän jakoja parantaa sijoitusta haussa ja videoehdotuksissa
Auttaa lisäämään uusia tai vaikeuksissa olevia kanavia
Voi johtaa orgaaniseen sitoutumiseen , kuten kommentteihin ja tykkäyksiin
Osakkeet luovat sosiaalista näyttöä ja lisäävät luotettavuutta
What are Youtube Shares?
Shares are kinda similar to likes, but instead of liking something yourself, you share it with your friends which might like that piece of content.
YouTube offers a lot of options for sharing a YouTube video such as getting the embedded code and sharing it on platforms such as Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Blogger, Reddit, VK, Blogger, Mix, Goo, Pinterest, and more.
Alternatively, you can also just share by giving the link to the other person. You can also choose the exact minute on the video that you want to share by checking the "Start at" button and entering the time. This is a great feature that will make sharing a video at the exact moment you want.
When you buy Youtube shares, we will share your video via various mentioned platforms and they will reflect in your Youtube Studio analytics page.
How do I check how many shares my video has?
You can check the how many Youtube shares your video has by going to the analytics page of your video.
Go to studio.youtube.com, find the video you are looking for, click ‘Analytics’, then go to ‘Reach’, click ‘See more’ and select the ‘Shares’ from the ‘More metrics’ list.
How do I get started?
To order Youtube shares simply choose the amount of shares you would like to get and paste the Youtube video link into the order form.
Your order will be delivered in around 12 hours after successful payment, but it may take up to 72 for the shares to appear in the video analytics page.
How long does the delivery take?
The delivery of Youtube shares starts around 12 hours and is usually completed within the same day.
Please note that it may take up to 72 for the shares to appear in the video analytics page.
I haven't received my likes. What should I do?
The shares delivery usually takes around 12 hours, however it may take up to 48 to 72 for the shares to appear in your video analytics.
If you after 72 hours the shares have still not reflected in your video analytics please reach out to us via our contact form or email us directly at hello@buysocialmediamarketing.com and we will resolve the issue immediately.
Please don't forget to include your order number and video link.
Sähköposti on lähetetty osoitteeseen kertakäyttöisellä koodilla. Anna tämä koodi jatkaaksesi
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Mutta oletko kokeillut meidän ilmainen kokeilu
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& Rekisteröidy sähköpostilla saadaksesi palvelut täysin ilmaiseksi!
Kokeile jotakin palveluistamme täysin ilmaiseksi. Valitse vain palvelu, rekisteröidy ja jatka! Valitse kuitenkin viisaasti, sillä voit saada vain yhden ilmaisen kokeilun.