Zapisane posty na Instagramie pojawiają się w Twoich statystykach i pokazują , ile osób zapisało Twoje posty.
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Uzyskaj więcej zapisów na swoich postach na Instagramie, aby poprawić swoje statystyki. Wpisz poniżej swoją nazwę użytkownika na Instagramie i natychmiast zacznij otrzymywać zapisy!
To proste w 3 prostych krokach:
Tylko dziś zaoszczędź więcej dzięki trzem różnym kodom rabatowym!
Zapisane posty na Instagramie pojawiają się w Twoich statystykach i pokazują , ile osób zapisało Twoje posty.
Popraw swoje wskaźniki Insights dzięki naszej usłudze natychmiastowego zapisywania na Instagramie , bez konieczności podawania hasła
Opcja dystrybucji pakietu zapisów pomiędzy wieloma postami po wprowadzeniu nazwy użytkownika
Otrzymuj lepsze oferty od marek i agencji dzięki ulepszonym metrykom Insights.
What does 'saves' mean on Instagram?
Saves on Instagram mean the number of users that have clicked ‘save’ on your posts. They are used to save someone's post into a collection, so that this user can easily find it later.
Having a lot of saves on your Instagram posts is a great way to show that your posts are important and useful for your fan base and it means you are getting lots of attention from your Instagram community.
How does 'Instagram saves' service work?
The Instagram Saves service is really simple; it just provides saves for your Instagram posts so that you can have boosted metrics for your posts.
To order this service, simply select the package amount, enter your Instagram username and select the posts to distribute the saves package between them.
The saves will arrive as quickly as 30 minutes, after successful payment for the order.
Can you actually increase Instagram saves with this service?
Yes, you can. All you need to do is buy the Instagram saves package and then you'll be getting the saves on your Instagram posts. The process begins instantly and within 30 minutes of making the payment you will start seeing the saves start coming to your post.
This service works perfectly and it's proven to be one of the best out there. We can provide Instagram saves for any of your posts no matter what you have posted, as long as your profile is public.
When will the saves arrive if I order now?
If you place an order right now we will send the saves to your posts within 30 minutes.
You don't need to wait until the next day to get the saves. We work 24/7. The process starts happening instantly when you make the payment and within the 30 minutes time you will start seeing the saves adding up to the posts that you've chosen.
Can I get Instagram saves on multiple posts on my profile?
Yes, you definitely can. If you want to distribute the saves you can choose multiple posts that you want to add saves for.
If you have multiple posts that you need to add saves to then you can do that however remember that the number of saves gets evenly distributed between the selected posts.
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