köpa Spotify
Månatliga lyssnare

Är du en artist på Spotify som vill ge dina låtar ett uppsving? Du kan köpa månatliga lyssnare och börja ta emot spelningar på under 24 timmar! Ange bara ditt Spotify-artistnamn så tar vi hand om resten.

Månatliga lyssnare

Hur man köper Spotify Månatliga lyssnare

Det är enkelt i tre enkla steg:

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Betrodd av 200+ kunder, med i:

Varför köpa Spotify månatliga lyssnare?

Hjälper dig att komma in på Spotifys radar och bli upptäckt av nya lyssnare

Hjälper till att marknadsföra dina spår och utöka din publik

Ger dig en omedelbar ökning i popularitet

Leder till fler möjligheter till framgång

Vanliga frågor

What does monthly listeners mean on Spotify?

Monthly listeners on Spotify are unique listeners who play your music during the last 28-days period.

Spotify uses the 28-day rolling window to calculate the monthly listeners, because people listen differently on different days of the week and using 28-day window means they always include an equal number of each day (i.e. the same number of Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, etc.).

How do I order Spotify monthly listeners?

The process with your Spotify monthly listeners order simply put your artist name in the order form, click to confirm your account in the search list and that's it. Choose the desire numbers of monthly listeners you wish to get and proceed to payment.

For how long will the monthly listeners stay?

The monthly listeners are guaranteed to stay for 28 days.

Spotify uses 28-days rolling window to calculate monthly listeners. This means that after 28 days your monthly listeners may disappear.

How long does the delivery take?

The delivery of your monthly Spotify listeners will start within 12 hours. However, the listeners usually start coming even faster!

The total delivery duration will depend on your order size, delivery speed is around 1,000 monthly listeners per 24 hours.

I haven't received my monthly listeners. What should I do?

If you have placed your order just recently, please allow up to 24 hours for the listeners to start appearing on your Spotify profile. We promise to start your order in less than 12 hours, but Spotify updates the monthly listeners only once every day.

If it has been longer than 48 hours since you ordered, please reach out to us via our contact form or send us an email at hello@buysocialmediamarketing.com. Don't forget to mention your order ID.

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