트랙을 더 많이 재생하면 Soundcloud 검색 결과에서 순위가 높아 집니다.
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Soundcloud 재생은 트랙 성능을 향상하고 더 많은 사람들이 음악을 듣도록 장려하는 좋은 방법입니다. Soundcloud 트랙 링크 만 있으면 됩니다. 지금 시작하세요!
다음의 간단한 3단계만 거치면 쉽습니다.
트랙을 더 많이 재생하면 Soundcloud 검색 결과에서 순위가 높아 집니다.
새로운 청취자와 팔로어의 주목을 받는 데 도움이 됩니다.
여러 트랙 간에 플레이 패키지를 배포 하는 옵션
협업, 네트워킹 및 수익 창출 기회 증가
What are SoundCloud plays?
The SoundCloud plays service is a new way to get your music out there. You can now purchase SoundCloud plays to help promote your tracks and get them noticed by the right people.
Using this service will boost your tracks because the more plays you have, the more likely you are to be seen by record labels and other industry professionals.
How do I order SoundCloud plays?
The order process is simple and straightforward - choose the amount of plays you wish to get and paste the link of your SoundCloud track, a new window will appear so you can confirm your order and add additional track links, if you like.
Once you are ready, proceed further to add your order to cart and then proceed to payment.
Can I distribute the plays between multiple tracks?
Yes you can! After you enter the link of one of your tracks you will be able to add more track links.
Simply paste the first link and click 'Continue', then paste the rest of your links in the order window.
You can provide as many tracks links as you like, as long as they receive at least 100 plays each.
If you reached the limit, simply increase the package amount and you will be allowed to add additional links.
How long does the delivery take?
Delivery of SoundCloud plays usually starts within 1 hour, but please keep in mind that it may take up to 12 hours in some cases.
The time to fully complete your order will depend on the number of plays you ordered to receive for each track.
The speed is around 5,000 plays per 24 hours (per track).
I haven't received my plays. What should I do?
If your plays haven’t started within 12 hours, please email us at hello@buysocialmediamarketing.com or fill our support form. Make sure to include your order ID.
We will get back to you within 24 hours and get your issue resolved as quickly as possible.
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하지만 우리를 시도해 보셨나요? 무료 시험판
사용자 이름이나 링크만 입력하면 됩니다.
& 이메일로 가입하시면 완전 무료로 서비스를 받으실 수 있습니다!
우리 서비스 중 하나를 무료로 사용해 보세요. 간단히 서비스를 선택하고 가입하고 진행하세요! 하지만 무료 평가판은 한 번만 받을 수 있으므로 현명하게 선택하세요.