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Este ușor în 4 pași simpli:

un pachet

Introduceți Twitter-ul dvs
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De încredere de 200+ clienți, prezentate în:

De ce să cumperi Like Twitter?

Like-urile înseamnă mai multe dovezi sociale , pe care le puteți folosi pentru a atrage mai mulți urmăritori

Ajută algoritmul să vă arate conținutul mai multor persoane pe Twitter

Mai multe aprecieri vor duce la o mai mare posibilitate de descoperire , ceea ce duce la o implicare și o acoperire îmbunătățite

Vă oferă un avans față de concurență prin creșterea oportunităților de expunere

Intrebari obisnuite

How do I get started?

To get started with Twitter likes all you need to do is enter your Twitter handle and select one of the packages.

On the next step you will be allowed to distribute the likes package between your tweets, and add retweets as well, if you wish.

When the order is paid, you will start seeing the Twitter likes coming to your tweets within the next 12 hours.

Can I select multiple tweets?

Yes, you can select as many tweets as you'd like as long as each tweet gets at least 50 likes.

When you choose to select multiple tweets, keep in mind that you're spreading the likes that you're getting from the bundle toward the tweets that you selected.

If you were to get, for example, 500 Likes and you've selected 4 tweets, that means each of those tweets will get 125 likes.

How long does the delivery take?

We take pride in offering a great service that's going to offer exactly what you ordered. We don't make empty promises here, because we know how important it is to deliver exactly what you expect.

So, when you place an order with us for Twitter Likes, you'll start receiving your likes within 12 hours of the order placement.

Delivery duration will depend on your order size, but generally all orders are delivered within 1-3 days.

I haven't received my likes. What should I do?

It's very rare that someone doesn't receive their likes, but it happens sometimes. If your likes haven’t started to appear within the 12-hour period, please contact us so that we can check if the delivery has started or something has gone wrong.

We usually respond as soon as possible, so don't worry; we're going to help you resolve this issue immediately.

Can I buy Twitter retweets as well?

Yes, you can! Actually you can buy Twitter likes and retweets in the same order.

In the next step after entering your username you will be able to opt-in to add retweets to your order as well.

Nu ți-ai găsit întrebarea?

Incepe acum!

Alegeți un pachet, introduceți numele de utilizator și selectați tweet-urile. Noi vom face tot restul.

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