Како купити Фејсбук Фолловерс

Лако је у 3 једноставна корака:


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Линк профила на Фејсбуку

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Трустед би 200+ клијенти, представљени у:

Зашто купити Пратиоци на Фејсбуку?

Више пратилаца на Фејсбуку значи више друштвеног доказа

Помаже алгоритму да прикаже ваше постове већем броју људи

Доводи до повећане популарности вашег профила

Помаже вам да изградите већу, ангажованију публику

Уобичајена питања

How do I get started?

Before placing your order make sure that you have enabled 'everyone/public' to be allowed to follow you in your Facebook's privacy settings.

After that, simply select the package you wish to get and paste your Facebook profile link.

Followers delivery will start within a few hours after the payment made.

Why should I buy Facebook Followers for my profile?

There is a way to see someone's posts on the Facebook newsfeed without having them in your friends list, and following them is exactly how it works. If you want more people to see your profile posts on Facebook getting more followers is the way to go.

After buying this Facebook Followers service your profile will be followed by a bunch of new people and your posts will appear on their newsfeeds!

You will look more popular on Facebook because lots of people will be following your profile and at the same time your posts will reach a wider audience.

How do I enable everyone to follow my profile on Facebook?

To manage who can follow you:

1. Go to Facebook and click at the top-right corner and select Settings.
2. Click Public Posts on the left.
3. Select 'Public' next to Who Can Follow Me.

Can I purchase Followers for my brand, business or community Facebook Page?

No. This profiles followers service is only for personal Facebook profiles. However, we do offer promotional campaigns for Facebook Pages as well! If you would like to increase likes & followers on your brand, business or community Facebook page please visit Facebook Page Fans service page.

How long does it take to start the delivery process?

Delivery for Facebook Followers usually starts within few hours, but it can take up to 24 hours in some cases when we are very busy with hundreds of orders coming at the same time.

However, there is nothing to worry about as 99% of the time your order will be started in the blink of an eye.

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