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Репродукције на Спотифају су начин да покажете колико је песма популарна. Убрзајте раст свирања већ данас - само унесите име извођача и изаберите нумере!
Лако је у 4 једноставна корака:
Уштедите више са три различита кода за попуст само данас!
Помаже новим слушаоцима да открију вашу музику
Опција за дистрибуцију пакета за репродукцију између више нумера
Пружа вам друштвени доказ који подстиче друге да слушају
Алгоритам почиње да промовише ваше нумере органски
What is premium Spotify plays?
Spotify plays or Spotify streams is a metric on Spotify which shows how many time your song or podcast has been played on the platform in total.
When you buy Spotify plays from BuySocialMediaMarketing you will receive premium plays only which means that your tracks will be listened by people who have premium Spotify subscription!
These plays are much more valuable for you as an artist as they will help your tracks to be more likely to get recommended by the Spotify algorithm.
How do I order Spotify plays?
The process of purchase Spotify plays is super easy and effortless. Simply put your artist name in the order form, click to confirm your account in the search list and select the tracks you wish to get the plays on.
Can I distribute the plays between multiple tracks?
Yes, you can select multiple tracks when placing your order. Firstly enter your artist name and you will be asked to select the tracks on the next step. Your plays will be distributed evenly between the selected tracks. Minimum amount of plays per track is 500, you can select as many tracks as you like as long as each track receives 500 plays or more. For example, for 10,000 plays package you can select up to 20 tracks.
How long does the delivery take?
Delivery of your Spotify plays will start very quickly, it usually takes just a few hours for the plays to start showing up.
The time to complete your order varies based on the amount of plays we need to deliver.
Estimated delivery speed is around 5,000 Plays per day / track.
I haven't received my plays. What should I do?
If your plays haven’t started within 24 hours, please email us at hello@buysocialmediamarketing.com or fill our support form.
We will get back to you within 24 hours and get your issue resolved as quickly as possible.
Порука је послата на са кодом за једнократну употребу. Унесите тај код да бисте наставили
Жао ми је што одлазите...
Али јесте ли пробали наше бесплатна реклама
Потребно је само да унесете своје корисничко име или линк
& региструјте се са својом е-поштом да бисте добили услуге апсолутно бесплатно!
Испробајте једну од наших услуга потпуно бесплатно. Једноставно изаберите услугу, пријавите се и наставите! Међутим, бирајте мудро јер можете добити само једну бесплатну пробну верзију.