Како купити Фејсбук Реакције

Лако је у 3 једноставна корака:

Изаберите реакције

Унесите своју
Линк за објаву на Фејсбуку

Цхецкоут витх
картица или крипто

Трустед би 200+ клијенти, представљени у:

Зашто купити Фацебоок реакције?

Више реакција доводи до већег ангажовања и изложености

Могућност одабира количине сваке реакције посебно

Подстиче више људи да примете и реагују на ваш садржај

Могућност додавања више веза за дистрибуцију реакција између више постова

Уобичајена питања

What is Facebook Reactions service for?

This service works for any kind of post on Facebook, you can buy Facebook reactions (emojis) for text, video, photo, or other types of posts.

We only need your Facebook post link to proceed with the order.

Make sure that the post is set to public and there are no age/country restrictions set for the post or your profile.

How to place order?

To proceed with the delivery of Facebook reactions we only need Facebook post link. You can also add multiple post links, if you like.

Before placing your order please make sure that the post is set to public for ‘Everyone’, and there are no country/age restrictions and the like button is enabled.

You can find out how to do it here - https://www.facebook.com/help/236898969688346

What are Facebook Reactions?

Facebook reactions is a way to react to a Facebook post in a different way than to 'Like' it.

Hovering on the 'Like' button shows an option to choose a way to react, such as Love, Wow, Care, Angry & Sad.

You can buy these reactions form BuySocialMediaMarketing if you want to receive different emojis reactions on your Facebook post.

Can I choose which Reaction Emojis I want to get?

Yes, you have complete control over which reaction emojis you will be receiving.

You may add/remove each type of emoji and select exactly how many of every emoji reaction you wish to receive for your posts.

Simply click on the emoji you wish to get and select the desired amount or click the ‘remove’ button if you don’t want to get that type of reactions.

Can I add multiple posts URLs?

Yes, you can add multiple links of your Facebook posts. The selected reactions will be distributed evenly between the provided posts.

To add additional post links, simply click the button 'add more links' which appears after you have entered the first link.

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